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About Us

About Eurtm
Projects Completed
In Last 5 Years
Happy Customers
Who Trusted Us

EURTM company has provided hardware solutions for different sectors by producing web-based SCADA automation software, 100% of its own production.

The most important difference of our original product, RTM (Real Time Management) Web-based Scada Automation Software from other Classic Scada systems, is that it provides instantaneous data obtained from a single source to an unlimited number of users, and provides users with functions such as instant monitoring, reporting, management and intervention.

With our Software and Hardware Solutions; Especially in the fields of Environment and Energy; We offer turnkey solutions in many areas of public and private sector applications.

Our vision is to be sensitive to the environment and to provide solutions that will ensure the most optimal use of resources for a better future.


EURTM Automation Systems

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