Microwave barrier level measurement Non-contact point level detection in solids with free space radar sensors Microwave barrier transmitter Soliwave FQR56Transmitterfor non-contact point level detection in bulk solids Microwave barrier transceiver Soliwave FDR16Ultra-compact microwave barrier for non-contact point level detection, piece goods counting and object detection Microwave barrier transceiver Soliwave FDR56Transceiver for non-contact point level detection in bulk solids Microwave barrier transceiver Soliwave FDR57Transceiver for non-contact point level detection and bulk flow monitoring Microwave barrier transceiver Soliwave FQR16Ultra-compact microwave barrier for non-contact point level detection, piece goods counting and object detection Microwave barrier transmitter Soliwave FQR57Transmitter for non-contact point level detection and bulk flow monitoring