Process photometers Products for inline measurement of UV absorption and NIR / VIS absorption in all industries. Manual or automatic retractable assembly Cleanfit CPA875Sterilizable assembly for the life sciences and food & beverage industries. Immersion assembly Flexdip CYA112Modular assembly for water, wastewater, and utilities. Multichannel transmitter Liquiline CM44PMultiparameter device for process photometers and Memosens sensors. Process assembly Unifit CPA442Hygienic assembly for the life sciences, food & beverage industries. Process assembly Unifit CPA842Hygienic assembly for the life sciences, food & beverage industries. VARIVENT assembly for process photometers CUA261Flow assembly with VARIVENT adapter for a variety of optical inline measurements. Assembly for process photometers OUA260Flow assembly for a variety of optical inline measurements. Glass-free absorption sensor OUSAF11NIR/VIS absorption sensor for phase detection and suspended solids.